Friday, March 18, 2011

A misunderstanding or so...

 Have you ever been so unfortunate has to say exactly what you think? Sadly enough i have, it is a disease that i've been fighting since a young age but i sometimes feel that it's a loosing battle. Like recently i told my reason for reason , also known as my fiance and other more official names that i wont be mentioning for fear of retaliation, that he was being obnoxious and winey. Nice, right? Not so much, every women knows that a man is like a delicate hairstyle, you stand out in the rain and it falls apart! So what possessed me to say such a thing you might ask…well i'm glad you asked. You see i'm having a mental health day. It seems that all the pressures from life and work as accumulated in to an on slot of word vomit and general bad temperedness. I even had to take a few days off work for fear of saying something unforgivable to the not so innocent flying public or my ass faced coworkers. Things aren't looking good people, how do you go about draining the bullshit from your system so it can accumulate all over again. Wait i'm making this sound like a negative which is not the case…for the most part. What i mean to say is I need to find a way to  drain the overflowing bullshit from my system so i have room for the new bullshit that is sure to follow…hmm, i guess there is just no good way to say it. Mental health day it should be classified under sick leave!

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