Thursday, July 14, 2011

Away From Home...

I'm out of Florida and yeah…happy to get out of the life sucking hell hole…but sad, sad to leave some great people. No more sad face, i'm putting on my big girl pants and taking the bull by the horns and other great cheery sayings. We, Mike & I, took the hoopty up the 95 and ended up in pecan town, sitting in the old pink house, dancing somewhere in Atlanta in the middle of the night, on a military base in Washington with two cute doggies and finally in boston standing on line at a rather long book signing. It was a rather eventful trip with some yummy highlights. Now the trip has come to an end and i am home alone, but it's not my home…not yet at least. So how do i find a space to call my own? How do i do all this without my captain, ((=__=)) a ship without it's sail.